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Modern Slavery Act Statement 2018

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps taken by Encore Tickets Ltd and its subsidiaries to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains.

Still to this day, slavery and human trafficking are a scourge on our society and can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, race or nationality. We, at Encore Tickets, do not believe that there is a place for such practices in today’s world and we recognise our responsibility, as a global company, to tackle such risks. We are committed to working ethically and with integrity in our business dealings to ensure that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Our aim is to continue to scrutinise and enhance the policies that we have in place to, one day, eradicate such practices altogether.

Our business

Encore Tickets Ltd is a private limited company registered in England and Wales with registered Offices at 5 New Street Square, London, UK, EC4A 3TW. We have a workforce of 154 and operate in the United Kingdom selling Live Entertainment product.

Encore Tickets is an official partner of over 160 theatres and attractions and has been working closely with venues, producers and cultural institutions for many years to create exclusive ticket deals, access and unique experiences for Encore Tickets customers. Encore is a fully bonded ticketing agency. We are full members of both The Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers.​  Encore is also a member of various trade associations, striving to make booking theatre tickets simple for their members, offering the widest distribution of any ticket company and resulting in increased sales and profile of West End Theatre. We always work to the highest standard to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and expect these standards to be mirrored by all the parties we work with. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking anywhere in our supply chain.

Our policy

We are continuously working to minimise the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking across our whole operation. Our Anti—Slavery Policy reflects this dedication and a copy of the policy can be found on our website.

Our due diligence process

Each of our suppliers is expected to adhere to our high standards. Our procurement process ensures that key suppliers comply with all necessary laws and regulations; they are required to:

  1. take reasonable steps to protect the health and ensure the safety of their own workforce and all workers in their supply chain
  2. not use or allow to be used any slavery in the performance oftheir obligations to us;
  3. comply with all local laws and best practices with regard to the suitability of employee working conditions;
  4. allow their workforce the freedom to leave their employment without the threat of deterrents;
  5. take steps to prevent the illegal treatment of their workforce by their management or any third party;
  6. have an anti-bribery policy;
  7. where necessary, work with us to identify, audit and eradicate areas perceived to be at risk of modern slavery and human trafficking; and
  8. show a continued commitment to work with us to rectify any risk of modern slavery.

Areas of risk

We work hard to identify areas within our business that may be at risk of modern slavery and pay particular attention to the complexities of engaging temporary staff and the type of work that they may undertake. We are committed to ensuring that such staff are treated fairly and with respect and that any risks are minimised and eradicated completely in a timely way.

Our effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking

We are confident in our policy’s ability to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and aim to ensure that our suppliers are aware of it and remain compliant with it. We will endeavour to ensure that our suppliers emulate our values in relation to modern slavery.

Our training

To ensure a complete understanding of the issues and risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking, our aim is to provide training to all members of staff who may work in areas exposed to a high level of risk in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking. The training programme will be reviewed annually and we will ensure refresher courses are available to any staff member who requests them.

Joe Steele
6th November 2018

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